17 May 2011


What do you think?

Air drumming doesn't exactly look like the coolest thing in the world, but it can actually be really useful. I was once told to practice in front of a mirror to check my technique and generally watch my movements. Not only did this help me neaten up how I play, it taught me a lot about looking interest-ed/ing when you're playing: how many times have you seen someone behind a kit looking like they wish to God they weren't? Here's a tip to those people - if you're not interested, neither is your crowd.

Some people firmly believe in 'mind over matter': if you can visualize it, you can play it. I'm one of those people. Of course this isn't the case with everything: I don't expect to think of the new Dream Theatre song and instantly be able to play it, for instance - of course practicing over and over comes into it - but I do believe it helps.

For example, years ago, I would listen to music like most other drummers: I would just sit there and listen, trying to figure out the drum parts. Then, when I was told to utilise my mirror, I found that instead of struggling to work out the drum parts, I was nailing them quickly. Transfer this to the kit, and I could learn a song off by heart in half an hour, rather than a few. I practiced like this for at least an hour, every night, for years, and can honestly say it improved my playing immeasurably. I can now play almost every album I own, start to finish, off by heart.

Another plus of this technique is that if you're in a band playing covers, you can sit up late at night, headphones in, and play the song over and over and over without disturbing anyone.
Or if you don't have anywhere comfortable to practice over the winter (my garage used to get so cold my fingers would go numb - this is both bad for your hands and bad for your drums. Avoid it like the plague.) it will keep your chops up until it's warm again.

Yes, you'll feel like an idiot at first, and yes, if someone walks into your room and you're sitting on your drum stool, sticks in the air, waiting for the breakdown of 'In the Air Tonight' you'll blush like never before, but trust me, this pays off.

Who's stupid now?

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